Atoms And Nuclei Question 324

Question: The photon radiated from hydrogen corresponding to 2nd line of Lyman series is absorbed by a hydrogen like atom X in 2nd excited state. As a result the hydrogen like atom X makes a transition to nth orbit. Then -


A) $ \text{X=H}{{e}^{+}},\text{n=4} $

B) $ X=L{{i}^{++}},n=6 $

C) $ X=H{{e}^{+}},n=6 $

D) $ X=L{{i}^{++}},n=9 $

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Correct Answer: D


  • Energy of nth state in hydrogen is same as energy of 3nth state in $ L{{i}^{++}}. $
    $ \therefore 3\to 1 $ transition in H would give same energy as the $ 3\times 3\to 1\times 3 $ transistor in $ L{{i}^{++}}. $

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