Atoms And Nuclei Question 281

Question: Which of the following statements are true regarding Bohr’s model of hydrogen atom? (I) Orbiting speed of electron decreases as it shifts to discrete orbits away from the nucleus (II) Radii of allowed orbits of electron are proportional to the principal quantum number (III) Frequency with which electrons orbit around the nucleus in discrete orbits is inversely proportional to the cube of principal quantum number (IV) Binding force with which the electron is bound to the nucleus increases as it shifts o outer orbits Select correct answer using the codes given below. Codes:


A) I and II

B) II and IV

C) I, II and III

D) II, III and IV

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Correct Answer: A


  • Orbital speed varies inversely as the radius of the orbit. $ v\propto \frac{1}{n} $

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