Atoms And Nuclei Question 249

Question: $ M_{p} $ denotes the mass of a proton and $ M_{n} $ that of a neutron. A given nucleus, of binding energy B, contains Z protons and N neutrons. The mass M(N, Z) of the nucleus is given by (c is the velocity of light) [CBSE PMT 2004]


A) $ M(N,Z)=NM_{n}+ZM_{p}-Bc^{2} $

B) $ M(N,Z)=NM_{n}+ZM_{p}+Bc^{2} $

C) $ M(N,Z)=NM_{n}+ZM_{p}-B/c^{2} $

D) $ M(N,Z)=NM_{n}+ZM_{p}+B/c^{2} $

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Correct Answer: C


$ B=[ZM_{p}+NM_{n}-M(N,\ Z)]c^{2} $
$ \Rightarrow M(M,Z)=ZM_{p}+NM_{n}-B/c^{2} $

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