Atoms And Nuclei Question 240

Question: The energy liberated on complete fission of 1 kg of $ _{92}U^{235} $ is (Assume 200 MeV energy is liberated on fission of 1 nucleus) [UPSEAT 2003]


A) $ 8.2\times 10^{10}J $

B) $ 8.2\times 10^{9}J $

C) $ 8.2\times 10^{13}J $

D) $ 8.2\times 10^{16}J $

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Correct Answer: C


Mass of a uranium nucleus

$ =92\times 1.6725\times {{10}^{-27}}+143\times 1.6747\times {{10}^{-27}} $

$ =393.35\times {{10}^{-27}}kg $ Number of nuclei in the given mass

$ =\frac{1}{393.35\times {{10}^{-27}}}=2.542\times 10^{24} $

Energy released $=200\times 2.542\times 10^{24}MeV $

$ =5.08\times 10^{26}MeV=8.135\times 10^{13}J=8.2\times 10^{13}J $

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