Atoms And Nuclei Question 230

Question: If a proton and anti-proton come close to each other and annihilate, how much energy will be released [DCE 1999; 2003]


A) $ 1.5\times {{10}^{-10}}J $

B) $ 3\times {{10}^{-10}}J $

C) $ 4.5\times {{10}^{-10}}J $

D) None of these

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Correct Answer: B


Mass of proton = mass of antiproton $ =1.67\times {{10}^{-27}}kg=1amu $ Energy equivalent to $ 1\ amu=931\ MeV $

So energy equivalent to 2 amu $ =2\times 931\ MeV $

$ =1862\times 10^{6}\times 1.6\times {{10}^{-19}} $ $ =2.97\times {{10}^{-10}}J $

$ =3\times {{10}^{-10}}J $ .

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