Atoms And Nuclei Question 209

Question: When $ _{92}U^{235} $ undergoes fission, 0.1% of its original mass is changed into energy. How much energy is released if 1kg of $ _{92}U^{235} $ undergoes fission [MP PET 1994; MP PMT/PET 1998; BHU 2001; BVP 2003]


A) $ 9\times 10^{10}J $

B) $ 9\times 10^{11}J $

C) $ 9\times 10^{12}J $

D) $ 9\times 10^{13}J $

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Correct Answer: D


$ E=\Delta mc^{2},\ \Delta m=\frac{0.1}{100}={{10}^{-3}}kg $
$ \therefore E={{10}^{-3}}\times {{(3\times 10^{8})}^{2}}={{10}^{-3}}\times 9\times 10^{16}=9\times 10^{13}J $ .

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