Atoms And Nuclei Question 107

Question: The first line in the Lyman series has wavelength l. The wavelength of the first line in Balmer series is [MH CET (Med.) 2001]


A) $ \frac{2}{9},\lambda $

B) $ \frac{9}{2},\lambda $

C) $ \frac{5}{27},\lambda $

D) $ \frac{27}{5}\lambda $

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Correct Answer: D


For first line in Lyman series $ {\lambda_{L_{1}}}=\frac{4}{3\ R} $ ….. (i) For first line in Balmer series $ {\lambda_{B_{1}}}=\frac{36}{5\ R} $ ….. (ii) From equation (i) and (ii) $ \frac{{\lambda_{B_{1}}}}{{\lambda_{L_{1}}}}=\frac{27}{5}\Rightarrow {\lambda_{B_{1}}}=\frac{27}{5}{\lambda_{L_{1}}}\Rightarrow {\lambda_{B_{1}}}=\frac{27}{5}\lambda $

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