Some Basic Concepts Of Chemistry Question 84

Question: Sulfuryl chloride $ (SO _2Cl _2) $ reacts with water to give a mixture of $ H _2SO _4 $ and HCl. How many moles of baryta would be required to neutralize the solution formed by adding 4 mole of $ SO _2Cl _2 $ to excess of water?


A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4

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Correct Answer: B


[b] $ SO _2Cl+2H _2O\to H _2SO _4+2HCl $ $ H _2SO _4+Ba{{( OH )}_2}\to BaSO _4+2H _2O $ $ 2HCl+Ba{{( OH )}_2}\to BaCl _2+2H _2O $ Total moles of $ Ba{{( OH )}_2} $ required = 2

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