Some Basic Concepts Of Chemistry Question 71

Question: 1.575 g of oxalic acid $ {{(COOH)}_2}.xH _2O $ are dissolved in water and the volume made up to 250 mL. On titration 16.68 mL of this solution requires 25 mL of N/15 NaOH solution for complete neutralization, calculate x.


A) 3

B) 2

C) 4

D) 5

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Correct Answer: B


[b] Meq of oxalic acid in 16.68 ml = Meq of NaOH $ =25\times \frac{1}{25} $ Meq of oxalic acid in 250 ml $ =25\times \frac{1}{15}\times \frac{250}{16.68}=24.98 $ $ \frac{1.575}{(90+18x)/2}\times 1000=24.98 $
$ \therefore x=2 $

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