Some Basic Concepts Of Chemistry Question 69

Question: If 224 mL of a triatomic gas has a mass of 1 g at 273K and 1 atmospheric pressure then the mass of one atom is


A) $ 8.30\times {10^{-23}}g $

B) $ 2.08\times {10^{-23}}g $

C) $ 5.53\times {10^{-23}}g $

D) $ 6.24\times {10^{-23}}g $

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Correct Answer: C


[c] The conditions given are standard conditions 224 mL has mass = 1 g; 22400 mL will have mass = 100g. This is mol. wt of gas $ 6.023\times 10^{23} $ molecules have $ 3\times 6.023\times 10^{23} $ , atoms since gas is triatomic

$ \therefore $ weight of one atom $ =\frac{100}{3\times 6.023\times 10^{23}}=5.5\times {10^{-23}}g $

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