Some Basic Concepts Of Chemistry Question 53

Question: A gaseous compound of nitrogen and hydrogen contains 12.5% (by mass) of hydrogen. The density of the compound relative to hydrogen is 16. The molecular formula of the compound is:


A) NH2

B) N3H

C) NH3

D) N2H4

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Correct Answer: D


[d] In an unknown compounds containing N and H given % of H =12.5% % of N=10012.5=87.5 Element Percentage Atomic ratio Simple ratio Elements Percentage Atomic ratio Simple ratio H 12.5% 12.51=12.5 12.56.25=2 N 87.5 87.514=6.25 6.256.25=1 2 × vapour density = Mol. wt = mol wt. =16×2=32. Molecular formula = n × empirical formula mass n=3216=2

Molecular formula of the compound will be =(NH2)2=N2H4

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