Some Basic Concepts Of Chemistry Question 50

Question: 5 g of benzene on nitration gave 6.6 g of nitrobenzene. The theoretical yield of the nitrobenzene will be


A) 4.5 g

B) 5.6 g

C) 8.09 g

D) 6.6 g

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Correct Answer: C


[c] $ \underset{78g}{\mathop{C _6H _6}},+HNO _3\to \underset{123g}{\mathop{C _6H _5NO _2}},+H _2O $ Now since 78g of benzene on nitration give = 123g nitrobenzene hence 5g of benzene on nitration give $ =\frac{123}{78}\times 5=7.88g $ nearest answer is [c] i.e. theoritical yield =7.88g

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