Some Basic Concepts Of Chemistry Question 48

Question: The impure 6 g of NaCl is dissolved in water and then treated with excess of silver nitrate solution. The mass of precipitate of silver chloride is found to be 14 g. The % purity of NaCl solution would be:


A) 95%

B) 85%

C) 75%

D) 65%

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Correct Answer: A


[a] The reaction that takes place is $ NaCl+AgNO _3\xrightarrow{{}}AgCl\downarrow +NaNO _3 $

$ \therefore $ 143.5 g of $ AgCl $ is produced from 58.5 g

$ \therefore $ 14 g of $ AgCl $ will be produced from $ \frac{58.5\times 14}{143.5}=5.70g,NaCl $ This is the amount of NaCl in common salt; % purity $ =\frac{570}{6}\times 100=95% $ %

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