Some Basic Concepts Of Chemistry Question 43

Question: The mass of $ N _2F _4 $ produced by the reaction of 2.0 g of $ NH _3 $ and 8.0 g of $ F _2 $ is 3.56 g. What is the per cent yield?

$ 2NH _3+5F _2\to N _2F _4+6HF $


A) 79.0

B) 71.2

C) 84.6

D) None of these

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Correct Answer: D


[d] $ 2NH _3+5F _2\xrightarrow{{}}N _2{F _{^{4}}}+6HF $ $ 2\times 17g,NH _3 $ gives 66 g $ N _2F _4 $ 2 g will give $ -\frac{66}{34}\times 2=3.88g,N _2F _4 $ % yield $ =\frac{3.56}{3.88}\times 100=91.75%. $

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