Some Basic Concepts Of Chemistry Question 302

Question: Given $ P=0.0030m $ , $ Q=2.40m $ , $ R=3000m $ , Significant figures in $ P,,Q $ and $ R $ are respectively [Pb. CET 2002]


A) 2, 2, 1

B) 2, 3, 4

C) 4, 2, 1

D) 4, 2, 3

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Correct Answer: B


Given $ P=0.0030m $ , $ Q=2.40m $ & $ R=3000m $ in $ P(0.0030) $ initial zeros after the decimal point are not significant.

Therefore, significant figures in $ P(0.0030) $ are 2.

Similarly in $ Q(2.40) $ significant figures are 3 as in this case final zero is significant. In $ R=(3000) $ all the zeroes are significant hence, in $ R $ significant figures are 4.

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