Some Basic Concepts Of Chemistry Question 259

Question: What should be the weight and moles of $ AgCl $ precipitate obtained on adding 500ml of 0.20 M $ HCl $ in 30 g of $ AgNO _3 $ solution? ( $ AgNO _3 $ = 170)


A) 14.35 g

B) 15 g

C) 18 g

D) 19 g

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Correct Answer: A


$ AgNO _3+HCl\to AgCl+HNO _3 $

$ \frac{30}{170} $ $ \frac{500\times 0.2}{1000} $

t =0 0.176 mole 0.1 mole limiting =14.345gm t =t 0.076 mole 0 0.1mole

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