Some Basic Concepts Of Chemistry Question 257

Question: On electrical decomposition of 150 ml dry and pure $ O _2 $ , 10% of $ O _2 $ gets changed to O, then the volume of gaseous mixture after reaction and volume of remaining gas left after passing in turpentine oil will be


A) 145 ml

B) 149 ml

C) 128 ml

D) 125 ml

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Correct Answer: A


$ \because $ 3ml (O) $ \to $ 1ml $ O _3 $

30ml (O) $ \to $ 10ml $ O _3 $

$ x=\frac{150\times 10}{100}=15ml $

V of $ O _2+ $ V of $ O _3=135+10=145ml $

Turpentine oil absorb ozone.

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