Some Basic Concepts Of Chemistry Question 231

Question: Equivalent weight of $ KMnO _4 $ acting as an oxidant in acidic medium is [CPMT 1990; MP PET 1999]


A) The same as its molecular weight

B) Half of its molecular weight

C) One-third of its molecular weight

D) One-fifth of its molecular weight

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Correct Answer: D


$ \underset{+7}{\mathop{2KMnO _4}},+3H _2SO _4\to K _2SO _4+\underset{+2}{\mathop{2MnSO _4}},+3H _2O+5[O] $ $ $ $ Eq\text{. wt}\text{.}=\frac{Mol\text{. wt}\text{.}}{5} $

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