Some Basic Concepts Of Chemistry Question 214

Question: 2.76 g of silver carbonate on being strongly heated yield a residue weighing [Pb. CET 2003]


A) 2.16 g

B) 2.48 g

C) 2.64 g

D) 2.32 g

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Correct Answer: A


$ 2Ag _2CO _3\xrightarrow{\Delta }4Ag+2CO _2+O _2 $

$ 2\times 276,gm $ $ 4\times 108,gm $

$ \because $ $ 2\times 276gm $ of $ Ag _2CO _3 $ gives $ 4\times 108,gm $

$ \therefore $ $ 1,gm $ of $ Ag _2CO _3 $ gives $ =\frac{4\times 108}{2\times 276} $

$ \therefore $ $ 2.76,gm $ of $ Ag _2CO _3 $ gives $ \frac{4\times 108\times 2.76}{2\times 276}=2.16,gm $

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