Some Basic Concepts Of Chemistry Question 190

Question: If the density of water is 1 g $ c{m^{-3}} $ then the volume occupied by one molecule of water is approximately [Pb. PMT 2004]


A) $ 18cm^{3} $

B) $ 22400cm^{3} $

C) $ 6.02\times {10^{-23}}cm^{3} $

D) $ 3.0\times {10^{-23}}cm^{3} $

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Correct Answer: D


$ d=\frac{M}{V} $ ; $ 1=\frac{M}{V} $ or M = V; 18gm = 18ml $ 6\times 10^{23} $ molecule of water has volume =18cc 1 molecule of water has volume $ =\frac{18}{6\times 10^{23}} $

$ =3\times {10^{-23}}cm^{3} $ .

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