Some Basic Concepts Of Chemistry Question 188

Question: What is the weight of oxygen required for the complete combustion of 2.8 kg of ethylene [CBSE PMT 1989]


A) 2.8 kg

B) 6.4 kg

C) 9.6 kg

D) 96 kg

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Correct Answer: B


$ C _2H _4+2O _2\to 2CO _2+2H _2O $

$ \because $ 28gm $ C _2H _4 $ requires 64gm oxygen
$ \therefore $ $ 2.8\times 10^{3} $ gm $ C _2H _4 $ requires = $ \frac{64}{28}\times 2.8\times 10^{3}gm $ $ =6.4\times 10^{3}gm $ = 6.4kg.

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