Some Basic Concepts Of Chemistry Question 139

Question: Calculate the weight of lime (CaO) obtained by heating 200 kg of 95% pure lime stone $ (CaCO _3). $


A) 104.4 kg

B) 105.4 kg

C) 212.8 kg

D) 106.4 kg

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Correct Answer: D


[d] $ \because $ 100 kg impure sample has pure $ CaCO _3 $ = 95 kg

$ \therefore $ 200 kg impure sample has pure $ CaCO _3 $

$ =\frac{95\times 200}{100}=190,kg $

$ CaCO _3\to CaO+CO _2 $

$ \because $ 100 kg $ CaCO _3 $ gives $ CaO=56,kg $ .

$ \therefore $ 190 kg $ CaCO _3 $ gives $ CaO=\frac{56\times 190}{100}=106.4,kg $ .

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