Some Basic Concepts Of Chemistry Question 136

Question: Two elements X and Y have atomic weights of 14 and 16. They form a series of compounds A, B, C, D and E in which the same amount of element X, Y is present in the ratio 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5. If the compound A has 28 parts by weight of X and 16 parts by weight of Y, then the compound of C will have 28 parts weight of X and


A) 32 parts by weight of Y

B) 48 parts by weight of Y

C) 64 parts by weight of Y

D) 80 parts by weight of Y

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Correct Answer: B


[b] Given $ x=14,y=16 $ According to the given data the compounds formed by x and y will be $ \underset{( A )}{\mathop{xy}},,\underset{( B )}{\mathop{xy _2}},,\underset{( C )}{\mathop{xy _3}},,\underset{( D )}{\mathop{xy _4}},\And \underset{( E )}{\mathop{xy _5}}, $

$ \therefore $ In compound A, x & y are present in the ratio 28 : 16

$ \therefore $ In compound C the ratio will be 28 : 48.

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