Some Basic Concepts Of Chemistry Question 103

Question: Vapour density of a metal chloride is 66. Its oxide contains 53% metal. The atomic weight of the metal is


A) 21

B) 54

C) 27.06

D) 2.086

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Correct Answer: C


[c] Let wt. of metal oxide = 100gm wt. of metal = 53gm wt. of oxygen = 47gm Equivalent weight of oxygen $ =\frac{wt\text{. of metal}}{wt\text{. of oxygen}}\times 8 $
$ =\frac{53}{47}\times 8=9.02 $ Valency $ =\frac{2\times V.D}{E+35.5}=\frac{2\times 66}{9+35.5}=\frac{132}{44.5}=2.96\approx 3 $

$ \therefore $ Atomic weight $ =\text{Equivalent weight}\times Valency $

$ =9.02\times 3=27.06 $

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