Solutions Question 95

Question: When 10g of a non-volatile solute is dissolved in 100 g of benzene, it raises boiling point by $ 1^{o}C $ then molecular mass of the solute is $ (K_{b} $ for benzene =2.53k-m-1) [BHU 2002]


A) 223 g

B) 233 g

C) 243 g

D) 253 g

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Correct Answer: D


$ \Delta T_{b}=\frac{K_{b}\times w\times 1000}{m\times W} $

$ m=\frac{K_{b}\times w\times 1000}{\Delta T_{b}\times W} $

$ =\frac{2.53\times 10\times 1000}{1\times 100}=253g $ .

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