Solutions Question 7

Question: If $ \alpha $ is the degree of dissociation of $ Na_2SO_4 $ , the Vant Hoff’s factor (i) used for calculating the molecular mass is [AIEEE 2005]


A) $ 1+\alpha $

B) $ 1-\alpha $

C) $ 1+2\alpha $

D) $ 1-2\alpha $

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Correct Answer: C


$ Na_2SO_4 $ -

$ 2N{a^{+}},+,SO _4^{2-} $

Mol. before diss. 1 0 0
Mol. after diss $ 1-\alpha $ $ 2\alpha $ $ 1\alpha $

$ i=\frac{Exp\text{.C}\text{.P}\text{.}}{Normal,C\text{.P}\text{.}}=1-\alpha +2\alpha +\alpha =1+2\alpha $

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