Solutions Question 65

Question: The freezing point of a solution prepared from $ 1.25,gm $ of a non-electrolyte and $ 20,gm $ of water is $ 271.9,K $ . If molar depression constant is $ 1.86K,mol{e^{-1}} $ , then molar mass of the solute will be [AFMC 1998; CPMT 1999]


A) 105.7

B) 106.7

C) 115.3

D) 93.9

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Correct Answer: A


Molar mass $ =\frac{K_{f}\times 1000\times w}{\Delta T_{f}\times W}=\frac{1.86\times 1000\times 1.25}{20\times 1.1} $

$ =105.68=105.7 $ .

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