Solutions Question 409

Question: An aqueous solution containing liquid A $ (M.Wt.=128) $ 64% by weight has a vapour pressure of 145 mm. Find the vapour pressure of pure A. If that of water is 155 mm at the same temperature.


A) 205 mm

B) 2.05 mm

C) 1.05 mm

D) 105 mm

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Correct Answer: D


According to Raoult’s law for liquid mixtures. $ P=P_{A}+P_{B} $ $ P=P_A^{0}\times \frac{\frac{W_{A}}{M_{A}}}{\frac{W_{A}}{M_{A}}+\frac{W_{B}}{M_{B}}}+P_B^{0}\times \frac{\frac{W_{B}}{M_{B}}}{\frac{W_{A}}{M_{A}}+\frac{W_{B}}{M_{B}}} $ $ P=145=P_A^{0}\times \frac{\frac{64}{128}}{\frac{64}{128}+\frac{36}{18}}+155\times \frac{\frac{36}{18}}{\frac{64}{128}+\frac{36}{18}} $ $ P_A^{0}=105,mm $

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