Solutions Question 386

Question: A 5% solution of cane sugar (molar mass 342) is isotonic with 1% of a solution of an unknown solute. The molar mass of unknown solute in g /mol is


A) 136.2

B) 171.2

C) 68.4

D) 34.2

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Correct Answer: C


Two solutions are isotonic if their osmotic pressure are equal $ {\pi_1}={\pi_2} $ $ M_1ST_1=M_2ST_2 $ ( $ M_1 $ and $ M_2 $ are molarities)

At a given temperature, $ M_1=M_2 $ $ \underset{Conesugar}{\mathop{\frac{1000,w_1}{m_1v_1}}},=\underset{Unknown}{\mathop{\frac{1000,w_2}{m_2v_2}}}, $

$ (V_1=V_2,100,mL) $

$ \therefore $ $ \frac{w_1}{m_1}=\frac{w_2}{m_2} $ $ \frac{5}{342}=\frac{1}{m_2} $ $ m_2=\frac{342}{5}=68.4,g,mo{l^{-1}} $

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