Solutions Question 385

Question: A mixture of A and B, which are two miscible liquids, is distilled under equilibrium conditions at atmospheric pressure. The mole fraction of A in solution is 0.3 and in vapour phase is 0.6. If the solution behaves ideally the ratio of $ P, _A^{o} $ to $ P, _B^{o} $ is


A) 4.0

B) 2.5

C) 3.5

D) 1.5

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Correct Answer: C


In solution $ X_{A}=0.3 $
$ \therefore $ $ X_{B}=0.7 $ In vapours $ Y_{A}=0.6\therefore Y_{B}=0.4 $ Using Dalton’s law $ Y_{A}=\frac{p_{A}}{p_{T}} $ i.e., $ Y_{A}=\frac{p_A^{o}\times X_{A}}{P_A^{o}X_{A}+p_B^{o}X_{B}} $

$ \therefore $ $ Y_{B}=\frac{p_B^{o}X_{B}}{p_A^{o}X_{A}+p_B^{o}X_{B}} $

$ \therefore $ $ \frac{Y_{A}}{Y_{B}}=\frac{p_B^{o}X_{B}}{p_B^{o}X_{B}} $

$ \therefore $ $ \frac{p_{{}}^{o}A}{p_{{}}^{o}B}=\frac{Y_{A}}{Y_{B}}\times \frac{X_{B}}{X_{A}}=\frac{0.6}{0.4}\times \frac{0.7}{0.3}=3.5 $

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