Solutions Question 367

Question: At temperature $ 327{}^\circ C $ and concentration C, osmotic pressure of a solution is P, the same solution at concentration C/2 and at temperature $ 427{}^\circ C $ shows osmotic pressure of 2 atm, value of P will be


A) $ \frac{12}{7} $

B) $ \frac{24}{7} $

C) $ \frac{6}{5} $

D) $ \frac{5}{6} $

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Correct Answer: B


$ \pi V=CRT $

$ \frac{{\pi_1}}{{\pi_2}}=\frac{C_1T_1}{C_2T_2} $

$ {\pi_1}=P,{\pi_2},atm.,C_1=C,C_2=\frac{C}{2} $

$ T_1=600K,T_2=700K $

$ \frac{P}{2}=\frac{2\times C\times 600}{C\times 700} $

$ P=\frac{24}{7}. $

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