Solutions Question 351

Question: The relationship between osmotic pressure at 273 K when 10g glucose $ ( P_1 ) $ , 10g urea $ ( P_2 ) $ , and 10 g sucrose $ ( P_3 ) $ are dissolved in 250 mL of water is


A) $ P_1>P_2>P_3 $

B) $ P_3>P_1>P_3 $

C) $ P_2>P_1>P_3 $

D) $ P_2>P_3>P_1 $

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Correct Answer: C


Moles of glucose $ \frac{10}{180}=0.05, $

$ urea=\frac{10}{60}=0.16,Sucrose=\frac{10}{342}=0.029 $ Hence osmotic presure $ P_2>P_1>P_3(\pi \propto C) $

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