Solutions Question 339

Question: A 0.001 molal solution of $ [Pt{{(NH_3)}4}Cl_4] $ in water had a freezing point depression of $ 0.0054{}^\circ C $ . If $ K{f} $ for water is 1.80, the correct formulation for the above molecule is


A) $ [Pt{{(NH_3)}_4}Cl_3]Cl $

B) $ [Pt{{(NH_3)}_4}Cl_2]Cl_2 $

C) $ [Pt{{(NH_3)}_4}Cl]Cl_3 $

D) $ [Pt{{(NH_3)}_4}Cl_4] $

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Correct Answer: B


$ \Delta T_{f}=i.K_{f}.m;0.0054=i\times 1.8\times 0.001 $

$ i=3 $ so it is $ [Pt{{(NH_3)}_4}Cl_2]Cl_2. $

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