Solutions Question 332

Question: Which one of the following aqueous solutions will exihibit highest boiling poin'


A) 0.015 M urea

B) 0.01 M K $ NO_3 $

C) $ 0.01M,Na_2SO_4 $

D) 0.015 M glucose

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Correct Answer: C


$ \Delta T_{b}=K_{b}\times m $ Elevation in boiling point is a colligative property, which depends upon the no. of particles (concentration of solution).

Thus greater the number of particles, greater is the elevation in boiling point and hence greater will be its boiling point. $ Na_2SO_4\rightarrow 2N{a^{+}}+SO_4^{2-} $ Since $ Na_2SO_4 $ has maximum number of particles hence it has maximum boiling point.

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