Solutions Question 311

Question: The vapour pressure of a solution of the liquids A ( $ P{}^\circ =80 $ mm Hg and $ x_{A}=0.4 $ ) and B ( $ P{}^\circ =120 $ mm Hg and $ X_{B}=0.6 $ ) is found to be $ 100mm $ Hg. It shows that the solution exhibits


A) positive deviation from ideal behaviour

B) negative deviation from ideal behaviour

C) ideal behaviour

D) positive deviation for lower cone. and negative for higher cone.

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Correct Answer: B


$ P_{total}=P_A^{0}\times X_{A}+P_B^{0}\times X_{B} $

$ =80.0\times 0.4+120.0\times 0.6=104mm $ Hg The observed $ P_{total} $ is 100 mm Hg which is less than 104 mm Hg. Hence the solution shows negative deviation.

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