Solutions Question 309

Question: $ P_{A} $ and $ P_{B} $ are the vapour pressure of pure liquid components, A and B, respectively of an ideal binary solution. If $ X_{A} $ represents the mole fraction of component A, the total pressure of the solution will be.


A) $ P_{A}+X_{A}(P_{B}-P_{A}) $

B) $ P_{A}+X_{A}(P_{A}-P_{B}) $

C) $ P_{B}+X_{A}(P_{B}-P_{A}) $

D) $ P_{B}+X_{A}(P_{A}-P_{B}) $

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Correct Answer: D


$ P=P_{A}X_{A}+P_{B}X_{B} $

$ =P_{A}X_{A}+P_{B}(1-X_{A}) $
$ \Rightarrow P_{A}X_{A}+P_{B}-P_{B}X_{A} $
$ \Rightarrow P_{B}+X_{A}(P_{A}-P_{B}) $

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