Solutions Question 303

Question: Formation of a solution from two components can be considered as

(i) Pure solvent $ \to $ separated solvent molecules, $ \Delta H_1 $ (ii) Pure solute $ \to $ separated solute molecules, $ \Delta H_2 $ (iii) Separated solvent and solute molecules $ \to $ Solution, $ \Delta H_3 $ Solution so formed will be ideal if


A) $ \Delta {H_{soln}}=\Delta H_3-\Delta H_1-\Delta H_2 $

B) $ \Delta {H_{soln}}=\Delta H_1+\Delta H_2+\Delta H_3 $

C) $ \Delta {H_{soln}}=\Delta H_1+\Delta H_2-\Delta H_3 $

D) $ \Delta {H_{soln}}=\Delta H_1-\Delta H_2-\Delta H_3 $

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Correct Answer: B


For an ideal solution, $ \Delta H_{mixing}=0 $

$ \Delta H=\Delta H_1+\Delta H_2+\Delta H_3 $ (According to Hess’s law) i.e., for ideal solutions there is no change in magnitude of the attractive forces in the two components present.

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