Solutions Question 168

Question: Which of the following should be done in order to prepare $ 0.40M,NaCl $ starting with $ 100,ml $ of $ 0.30M,NaCl $ (mol.wt. of $ NaCl=58.5 $ ) [BIT 1992]


A) Add $ 0.585,g,NaCl $

B) Add $ 20,ml $ water

C) Add $ 0.010ml,NaCl $

D) Evaporate $ 10ml $ water

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Correct Answer: A


100 ml. of 0.30M $ =\frac{100\times 0.3}{1000}=0.03 $ mole of NaCl 100 ml of 0.40M $ =\frac{100\times 0.4}{1000}=0.04 $ mole of NaCl Moles of NaCl to be added $ =0.04-0.03=0.01,mole $ = 0.585 gm

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