Solutions Question 101

Question: A non-ideal solution was prepared by mixing 30 ml chloroform and 50 ml acetone. The volume of mixture will be [Pb. CET 2003]


A) > 80 ml

B) < 80 ml

C) = 80 ml

D) $ \ge $ 80 ml

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Correct Answer: B


Chloroform & acetone form a non-ideal solution, in which $ A…..B $ type interaction are more than $ A……A $ & $ B……B $ type interaction due to $ H $ -bonding. Hence, the solution shows, negative deviation from Raoult’s Law i.e., $ \Delta V_{mix}=-ve $ ; $ \Delta H_{mix}=-ve $
$ \therefore $ total volume of solution = less than (30 + 50 ml) or $ <,80,ml $

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