Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 90

Question: A gas $ X $ at $ 1,atm $ is bubbled through a solution containing a mixture of $ 1,M,{Y^{-}} $ and $ 1,M,{Z^{-}} $ at $ 25^{o}C $ . If the reduction potential of $ Z>Y>X $ , then [IIT 1999]


A) $ Y $ will oxidize $ X $ and not $ Z $

B) $ Y $ will oxidize $ Z $ and not $ X $

C) $ Y $ will oxidize both $ X $ and $ Z $

D) $ Y $ will reduce both $ X $ and $ Z $

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Correct Answer: A


The tendency to gain electron is in the order Z > Y > X Thus $ Y+e\to Y{{,}^{-}} $ ; $ X\to {X^{+}}+e $ .

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