Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 773

Question: MnO42 undergoes disproportionation reaction in acidic medium but MnO4 does not because


A) In MnO42Mn is in intermediate oxidation state

B) In MnO42,Mn is in lowest oxidation state

C) In MnO42,Mn is in intermediate oxidation state

D) None of the above

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Correct Answer: A


[a] In MnO42, the oxidation number of Mn is + 6. It can increase its oxidation number (to + 7) or decrease its oxidation number (to + 4, + 3, + 2, 0).

Hence it undergoes disproprotion rection is acidic medium.

In MnO4,Mn is in its highest oxidation state i.e., +7. It can only decrease its oxidation number.

Hence, it cannot undergo disproportionation reaction.

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