Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 770

Question: Which of the following acts as an oxidizing as well as reducing agent-


A) $ Na_2O $

B) $ Na_2O_2 $

C) $ NaNO_3 $

D) $ NaNO_2 $

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Correct Answer: D


[d] $ NaNO_2, $ is the only compound among the given options which can acts as an oxidizing as well as reducing agent due to the reason that in $ NaNO_2, $ N is in its intermediate oxidation state +3.

It oxidises K.I to $ I_2 $ as follows:

$ 2NaNO_2+2KI+4CH_3COOH\xrightarrow[{}]{{}} $

$ 2NO+I_2+2CH_3COOK+2CH_3COONa+2H_2O $ Similarly, it reduces $ H_2O_2 $ to $ H_2O $

$ NaNO_2+H_2O_2\xrightarrow[{}]{{}}NaNO_3+H_2O $

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