Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 763

Question: In which of the following reactions, $ H_2O_2 $ acts as a reducing agent-


A) $ 2MnO_3^{2-}+6{{H}^{+}}+5H_2O\xrightarrow[{}]{{}} $ $ 2M{{n}^{2+}}+8H_2O+5O_2 $

B) $ l_2+H_2O_2+2O{{H}^{+}}\xrightarrow{{}}2{{l}^{-}}+2H_2O+O_2 $

C) $ 2MnO_4^{-}+3H_2O_2\xrightarrow{{}}2MnO_2+3O_2+2H_2O $

D) All of these

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Correct Answer: B


[d] In all reactions, hydrogen peroxide acts as reducing agent in basic or acidic medium.

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