Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 752

Question: The pair of compounds in which both the metals are in the highest possible oxidation state is


A) $ {{[Fe{{(CN)}_6}]}^{3-}},,{{[Co{{(CN)}_6}]}^{3-}} $

B) $ CrO_2Cl_2,,MnO_4^{-} $

C) $ TiO_3,,MnO_2 $

D) $ {{[Co{{(CN)}_6}]}^{3-}},,MnO_3 $

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Correct Answer: B


[b] The sum of oxidation states of all atoms in a compound is equal to zero and sum of oxidation states of all atoms in an ion is equal to charge on the ion.

(i) $ {{[Fe{{(CN)}_6}]}^{3-}},, $ O.N. of $ Fe=+3, $ $ {{[CO{{(CN)}_6}]}^{3-}}, $ O.N. of $ Co=+3 $

(ii) $ CrO_2Cl_2, $ O.N. of $ Cr=+,6, $ $ {{[MnO_4]}^{-}}, $ O.N. of $ Mn=+7 $

(iii) $ TiO_3,, $ O.N. of $ Ti=+6, $ $ MnO_2, $ O.N. of $ Mn=+4 $

(iv) $ {{[Co{{(CN)}_6}]}^{3+}}, $ O.N. of $ Co=+3, $ $ MnO_3, $ O.N. of $ Mn=+6 $ .

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