Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 725

Question: A cell diagram shown below contains one litre of Buffer solution $ HA(pK_{a}=8) $ and NaA in both compartment. What is the cell emf-


A) 0.81 V

B) 0.071 V

C) 0.0591 V

D) 1.182 V

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Correct Answer: C


[c] $ E _{cell}=\frac{0.0591}{1}\log \frac{{{[{H^{+}}]} _{RHS}}}{{{[{H^{+}}]} _{LHS}}} $

$ E _{cell}=0.0591[pH _{LHS}-pH _{RHS}] $

$ pH _{LHS}pK _{a}+\log \frac{[{A^{-}}]}{[HA]} $

$ =8+\log \frac{1}{0.1}=9 $ $ pH _{RHS}=8 $

$ E _{cell}=0.0591(9-8)=0.0591V $

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