Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 715

Question: Acidulated water is electrolysed by 1 A current for 16 min and 5s using inert electrodes, The volume of gases liberated at STP will be


A) 22.4 mL

B) 112 mL

C) 168 mL

D) 336 mL

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Correct Answer: C


[c] At cathode $ H_2O+2{e^{-}}\xrightarrow{,},H_2+2O{H^{\odot -}} $ At Anode $ H_2O\xrightarrow{,}\frac{1}{2},O_2+2{H^{\oplus }}+2{e^{-}} $ i.e., on passing 2 mol of current, 1 mol $ H_2(g) $ and $ \frac{1}{2},molO_2(g) $ is liberated at cathode and anode respectively. From $ Q=it $ $ =,1\times (16\times 60+5)=965C $ the amount of gases liberated by passing 965 C of electricity $ =\frac{1.5\times 965}{2\times 96500}mol $ = 0.0075 mol and value of gases liberated $ =0.0075\times 22400,mL=168,mL $

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