Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 714

Question: A current of 0.250 A is passed through 400 mL of a 2, 0 M solution of NaCl for 35 minutes. What will be the pH of the solution after the current is turned off-


A) 12.98

B) 12.13

C) 10.48

D) 9.24

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Correct Answer: B


[b] After electrolysis aqueous NaCl is converted into aqueous NaOH. The quantity of electricity passed $ =\frac{0.250\times 35\times 60}{96500C}A,s=5.44\times {10^{-3}}F $

The number of equivalents of $ O{H^{-}} $ ion formed $ =5.44\times {10^{-3}} $

$ \therefore $ Molarity of $ NaOH=\frac{5.44\times {10^{-3}}}{0.400L}eq. $ $ =1.36\times {10^{-2}} $

$ pOH=-\log (1.36\times {10^{-2}})=2.00-0.13=1.87 $

$ \therefore $ $ pH=12.13 $

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