Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 707

Question: Standard electrode potentials of redox couples $ {{A}^{2+}}/A,{{B}^{2+}}/B,{{C}^{2+}}/C $ and $ {{D}^{2+}}/D $ are $ 0.3V,-0.5V,-0.75V $ and 0.9V respectively. Which of these is best oxidising agent and reducing agent respectively-


A) $ {{D}^{2+}}/D $ and $ {{B}^{2+}}/B $

B) $ {{B}^{2+}}/B $ and $ {{D}^{2+}}/D $

C) $ {{D}^{2+}}/D $ and $ {{C}^{2+}}/C $

D) $ {{C}^{2+}}/C $ and $ {{D}^{2+}}/D $

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Correct Answer: C


[c] The redox couple with maximum reduction potential will be best oxidising agent and with minimum reduction potential will be best reducing agent.

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