Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 696

Question: In the reaction $ 2FeCl_3+H_2S\to 2FeCl_2+2HCl+S $


A) $ FeCl_3 $ acts as an oxidising agent

B) Both $ H_2S $ are $ FeCl_3 $ are oxidized

C) $ FeCl_3 $ is oxidised while $ H_2S $ is reduced

D) $ H_2S $ acts as an oxidising agent.

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Correct Answer: A


[a] In $ 2FeCl_3+H_2S\to 2FeCl_2+2HCl+S $ O.N. of S changes from -2 to 0 (hence oxidised) O.N. of Fe changes from +3 to +2 hence reduced.

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