Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 681

Question: Consider the reaction:

$ H_2SO_3( aq )+S{{n}^{4+}}( aq )+H_2O( I ) $ $ \to S{{n}^{2+}}(aq)+HSO_4^{-}(aq)+3{{H}^{+}}(aq) $ Which of the following statements is correct-


A) $ S{{n}^{4+}} $ is the oxidizing agent because it undergoes oxidation

B) $ S{{n}^{4+}} $ is the reducing agent because it undergoes oxidation

C) $ H_2SO_3 $ is the reducing agent because it undergoes oxidation

D) $ H_2SO_3 $ is the reducing agent because it undergoes reduction

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Correct Answer: C


[c] $ H_2\overset{+4}{\mathop{S}},O_3(aq)+S{{n}^{4+}}(aq)+H_2O(l)\xrightarrow{{}} $ $ S{{n}^{2+}}(aq)+H\overset{+6}{\mathop{S}},O_4^{-}(aq)+3{{H}^{+}} $ Hence $ H_2SO_3 $ is the reducing agent because it undergoes oxidation.

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